Topic: Education

State and local governments oversee public schools and curriculum, enforce state and federal regulations, and supervise staff pay and budget allocation. Elected school board members additionally have considerable influence over educational policy. As a result, civic engagement can play a critical role in addressing educational shortfalls and adjudicating priorities among community members. State governments control educational funding for public colleges and universities. County governments exert further sway by setting the geographical boundaries for a student’s school designation

ESAL Articles and Events about Education

Article - Apr 8, 2024
Bridging the Gap: How Advancing Science is Reshaping STEM Education in Pennsylvania

Advancing Science is not just an educational initiative; it is a lifeline to struggling schools, providing them with scientific equipment, workshops, and mobile science educator expertise, all at no cost.

Article - Nov 7, 2023
Bridging the Gap Between Science and Action

In a recent conversation with ESAL, Kavin Manickaraj, chief data scientist at Greenlink Analytics, reflected on how his concern for the well-being of the local community and effects of climate change informs his science and career path. Learn more about how Kavin wants to bridge the gap between science and political action.

Article - Aug 7, 2023
Championing Inclusivity in STEMM

Cynthia Prieto-Diaz, a biomedical engineer by training, actively contributes to scientific discourse by volunteering, engaging with city governments, and advocating for STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) involvement and consideration in local governance.Prieto-Diaz currently holds a position on the leadership team for 500 Women Scientists and serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Cal Poly Pomona-Latin Alumni Network.

Article - Jul 10, 2023
Promoting STEM Engagement in Illinois

Learn about how, founder and executive director of the Illinois Science Council, Monica Metzler uses her legal training and writing background from working with the Illinois House of Representatives and Democratic National Convention to make science concepts clear and accessible to the public.

Article - Jun 18, 2023
Community Scientists and Educators Celebrate Climate Stories

The Thriving Earth Exchange project aims to amplify climate narratives in migrant communities. A science educator and artist, Amaris Alanis-Ribeiro, center director of the North Park Village Nature Center in northwest Chicago, noticed the changing demographics of Albany Park and realized the potential of partnering with their local community to share stories, inspire conversations, and celebrate unique cultures and identities across Chicago. Learn more about how Alanis-Ribeiro maintains a connection to her artistic interests, while forging a path in science outreach leadership.

Article - Feb 12, 2023
Engineer Helps Bridge the STEM Educational Divide

ESAL chats with Brandie Dessauer, the manager of an engineering team within Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Her unique upbringing as a first-generation college graduate has had a lasting impact on her professional career. Learn more about how she provides STEM opportunities designed to bridge the educational divide.

Article - Nov 24, 2022
Science Moab: Building knowledge and community through local science

ESAL interviewed founder and executive director of Science Moab Kristina Young to learn more about the impact of accessible place-based science to the local community. Learn more about how their Science Certified program promotes building science communication and encourages visitors to responsibly engage with the landscape.

Event - Aug 1, 2022
US K-12 STEM Education: How teaching and curriculum design can advance equity and justice in STEM
Article - Jan 24, 2022
Geologist Works to Create Shared Economic Prosperity

Geoscientist Mark Little discusses his role as the executive director of CREATE, an economic development center at UNC Chapel Hill, and how he helps foster shared economic prosperity. Learn more about how his work has contributed to creating economic opportunity for all through local, regional, and international approaches.

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