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Local STEM - Jul 12, 2020
Stronger with Science: Policy Advising and the California Council on Science and Technology

The California Council on Science and Technology connects California scientists to policy and decision makers with expert advice on issues such as the environment, education, health, and disaster response. CCST leaders Amber Mace and Sarah Brady spoke with ESAL about the organization’s latest endeavors.

Other - Jul 5, 2020
Ensuring a Just Transition to Electric Vehicles in California

While electric vehicles are a critical part of local climate change and air pollution mitigation, structural barriers create gaps in charging infrastructure for marginalized communities. ESAL volunteer Chris Jackson recently published a policy brief outlining how policymakers can ensure that those benefits are equitably distributed.

Other - Jul 1, 2020
Safeguarding Civil Liberties in Municipal Use of Facial Recognition

As facial recognition becomes widely available, local governments are grappling with whether and how to use it. The Science Policy Group at Berkeley recently published a policy brief outlining how privacy advisory commissions can oversee these technologies.

Stories from the Field - Jun 28, 2020
Microbiologist Represents DC Neighborhood

Ian Simon serves as an elected commissioner of his Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC), part of a unique system that gives voice to neighborhoods across D.C. Simon talked to ESAL about translating his federal policy experience to tackle local housing, education, and business issues.

Local STEM - Jun 20, 2020
re-Engineered: A new ethos of engineering

re-Engineered asks engineers to think more critically about what they do, centering on the ideas of environmental protection, social justice, and peace. Founder Darshan Karwat spoke to ESAL about the laboratory's work to develop a new culture of community-based engineering.

Events - Jun 12, 2020
California's International Role and COVID

ESAL covered an online discussion by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy with California’s Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis on the state’s response to COVID-19 challenges. The conversation also addressed the growing role of state and city governments’ broader leadership in international affairs.

Other - Jun 8, 2020
Scientists as Citizens: Taking Action

As protests to address structural racism and police brutality continue, it can be difficult to decide what we can do as scientists and engineers. ESAL's Arti Garg shares specific ideas on how to effectively contribute to your community by voting, engaging with elected officials, and listening.

Other - Jun 2, 2020
Scientists as Citizens: Aspiring to the Best of All of Us

Engineers and scientists hold a privileged position in our communities, but our civic responsibility does not end with our technical pursuits. Our training gives us unique approaches to using evidence and solving problems, and we can use that to make our communities stronger and better able to meet challenges.

Local STEM - May 25, 2020
Getting Food to High-Risk Populations During the COVID Pandemic

St. Louis Food Angels is a volunteer initiative by STEM students and alumni at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) and Fontbonne University during the COVID-19 pandemic. They serve at-risk community members by handling last-mile deliveries of groceries and healthy food box donations for partners.

Stories from the Field - May 24, 2020
Condensed Matter Theorist Leads On Clean Energy

Aimee Bailey's interest in climate change took her from a Ph.D. in condensed matter physics to the local energy utility sector. She now leads a portfolio of electrification initiatives as the director of decarbonization and grid innovation at Silicon Valley Clean Energy.

Stories from the Field - May 12, 2020
County health departments tackle COVID, can you help?

Nilesh Kalyanaraman, the health officer for Anne Arundel County in Maryland, has seen his work take on new importance during the COVID pandemic. He spoke with ESAL about how the county’s department obtains and analyzes information, and how STEM professionals can leverage their skills to support local efforts.

Local STEM - May 10, 2020
CELF and Civic Science

The Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation (CELF) helps K-12 students explore real-world environmental problems using sustainability as a guiding framework. Programs like their Civic Science Program engage students in collecting data, learning its implications, and developing advocacy skills.

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