Topic: State

State governments are typically comprised of an executive branch having multiple departments and led by an elected governor, a legislative branch that often has two chambers of elected representatives, and a judicial branch. States also often have a number of independent regulatory bodies, such as public utility commissions. When the federal government sets a regulatory standard, for example for emissions, state governments are typically tasked with implementing it through more detailed regulation of industry. Often states will implement their own standards, serving as testbeds for innovative policy ideas.

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ESAL Infographics about State

ESAL Articles and Events about State

Article - Jan 29, 2018
Interning for a State Representative

Christopher K. Tokita interned for New Jersey state Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker, Ph.D. While it may seem overwhelming to dedicate time to working in state government while also working toward a Ph.D., he found it to be very doable and rewarding. For him, it was an achievable way to explore public policy while continuing his scientific training and research.

Article - Dec 27, 2017
Taking Politicians to the Lab

Leah Pagnozzi started "Take a Politician to Work Day" out of a desire to give a voice to her fellow scientists and engineers. The program’s main goal is to reach out and build connections with city and state representatives. They accomplish this by bringing representatives to campus for lab tours led by graduate students and post doctoral researchers. They hope to encourage the development of an organic connection between scientists and policy-makers.

Article - Nov 27, 2017
A Data Scientist Goes to the State House

Derek Stanford is a statistician and data scientist, aka an unusual candidate for the state legislature. But by the time he filed to run in 2010, he had spent a decade volunteering with advocacy groups and political campaigns and learning in depth about policy areas where he wanted to make a difference. He believes that government would benefit if more STEM professionals chose to get involved.

Article - Sep 28, 2017
Shaping State Policy with Science

Josh Lawler, Ph.D. is a Professor of Environmental and Forest Sciences and Co-Director, Center for Creative Conservation at the University of Washington. In November 2016, he got a call from the state of Washington’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC), a legislative office that provides nonpartisan analysis, which led to a rare chance to do research that directly informed state policy.

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ESAL Resources and Related Items about State

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