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Deep Dive - Sep 8, 2021
Visualizing Government Accountability Using a City Budget

This is the second in a series of three articles to help you understand and interpret local budgets. ESAL sits down with Open Budget Oakland’s Felicia Betancourt and Jess Sand to discuss their efforts towards making municipal budgets accessible. Read about how Open Budget Oakland advances local government engagement by combining community and coding.

Deep Dive - Sep 8, 2021
Making Sense of Municipal Budgets

This is the first in a series of three articles to help you understand and interpret local budgets. Learn more about the fundamentals of the municipal budget such as how city governments spend funds to what goes into a typical budget development process.

Events - Sep 7, 2021
How Equity Influences Teaching and Curriculum

On July 27th, ESAL discussed the effect of equity on experience with STEM Education with a panel of professional educators. A combination of anecdotes and lessons were shared to create an opportunity of reflection. Learn how the panelists have worked towards equity in teaching and curricula design, using their individual experience to inform their efforts.

Stories from the Field - Aug 24, 2021
Soil and Water Scientist Wins State Office in Alaska

ESAL sat down to chat with Liz Snyder, a PhD turned co-founder turned Alaska state representative. Snyder uses her interest in environmental public health to lead initiatives that fortify Alaska's food systems at the state level. Snyder discusses how her education has impacted her long-term goals and career choices as well as her current projects.

Local STEM - Aug 15, 2021
HPREP: Bringing Underrepresented Groups into Science and Medicine

HPREP or the Health Professional Recruitment and Exposure Program provides a platform to encourage students to pursue careers in science. Executive director Harim Won discusses the program's aim to eliminate educational disparities and increase representation of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups in related professions.

Events - Aug 13, 2021
How Policy and Local Context Shape STEM Education

On July 15th, 2021, ESAL had a panel of STEM educational experts, including the executive director of the SciTech Institute, a leader of CodeSciLab, a global nonprofit director of STEM education, and a Philadelphia STEM educator that fight for STEM education access throughout the U.S. Each panelist brought forth a unique perspective on how local funding, policies, and environmental factors impact students’ educational experiences.

Stories from the Field - Jul 25, 2021
Materials Chemist Brings His Science-Based Activism to New York

ESAL interviewed material scientist Omar Gowayed about his journey to becoming a laser researcher and science activist. We discuss how identity and interests come together to motivate efforts that focus on bridging connections between the public and evidence-based research.

Local STEM - Jul 11, 2021
SciTech Institute: Promoting STEM Education

The SciTech Institute is using its powers to enable students astute in STEM to take up leadership roles and impact communities within the state of Arizona. Since its launch, the institute's Chief Science Officer program has extended its reach to ten states and four countries outside the U.S. Learn more about the inspiration for creating SciTech and what is in store for the future.

Events - Jul 8, 2021
Acting Locally to Advance Equity

On May 20,2021, there was a discussion between professionals centered around the intersection of equity and local civic engagement. Perspectives and personal anecdotes were shed light on to discuss how they have tackled the issue of equity in communities.

Events - Jul 8, 2021
Addressing Plastic Waste Through Local Engagement

On April 28, 2021, ESAL discussed with professionals in the field about plastic waste and science-informed efforts to mitigate the harmful effects of it.

Events - Jun 17, 2021
Communicating Science: Responding to COVID

On March 2, as the final installment of the Covid Conversations series, ESAL spoke with three active members of the science communication scene to learn more about civic engagement. The discussion includes methods for effectively communicating with one's own local government, communication styles among scientists, and vaccine distribution.

Stories from the Field - Jun 13, 2021
Astrophysicist Uses Analytical Skills to Make a Difference on Earth

ESAL interviewed Louis Abramson, an astrophysicist and current Carnegie Fellow in Astronomy at the Carnegie Observatories. He helps tackle problems related to homelessness and food relief in Los Angeles, as an elected member of the Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council.

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