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Other - Apr 29, 2022
Meeting our Commitments to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

An update from ESAL Founder & Chair, Arti Garg, about our progress in 2021 toward meeting our commitments to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Stories from the Field - Apr 24, 2022
Marine Biologist Takes A Global-to-Local Approach to Plastic Pollution

Sarah-Jeanne Royer is a research scientist for Hawai’i Pacific University and an oceanographer for The Ocean Cleanup. She studies how different types of plastic microfibers degrade over time in the varying conditions they encounter in the marine environment. ESAL spoke with Royer about her hands-on work to curb plastic pollution.

Local STEM - Apr 24, 2022
NGRREC: River-Based Environmental Education for Local Communities

ESAL spoke with Sarah Fisher, the director of environmental education at the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center to discuss importance of context on impact of environmental education efforts.

Stories from the Field - Apr 3, 2022
From Physics of Space to the Physics of Community Transportation

ESAL speaks with associate research scientist, science policy fellow, mentor, committee member ,and AAAS science and technology fellow Alice Grossman on her work in equitable, accessible transportation.

Events - Apr 2, 2022
Building More Resilient Communities in the Face of Climate Change

On February 15th, ESAL discussed ways in which local intervention has been implemented to allow for better adaptation and mitigation efforts in the face of climate change. Learn from a panelist of nonprofit and local agency representatives about how they have been carefully monitoring flooding, in particular, to address the needs of the community.

Local STEM - Mar 18, 2022
Forest ReLeaf: Bringing the Benefits of Trees to Communities

ESAL had the opportunity to speak with Meridith Perkins, current executive director of nonprofit Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, about canopy coverage in underserved communities and the importance of environmental education. Learn more about how Meridith brings empowers the local community with skills and opportunities to combat climate change in their own backyard.

Stories from the Field - Feb 22, 2022
Native American and Other Experts Monitor Penobscot Watershed in Maine

Water quality field/lab technician Jan Paul and water resources planner Angie Reed discuss the importance of sharing data they collect and analyze from the Penobscot River with tribal, state, and federal audiences. Learn more about how the pair utilize its skills to improve public health outreach for Penobscot citizens.

Local STEM - Feb 21, 2022
Cibolo Center for Conservation: Creating Community-Based Resource Stewardship

The Cibolo Center for Conservation uses science to inform decision-makers about practices and policies that affect the quality of life in the region and to promote natural resource conservation. Learn more about their mission and unique approach to community citizen science.

Events - Feb 3, 2022
Science Policy in Action: Making Local Connections

On December 13th, ESAL discussed perspectives on outreach and inclusivity with a panel of water experts. Learn how the panelists have worked towards contributing to science communication and making science accessible to everyone.

Stories from the Field - Jan 24, 2022
Geologist Works to Create Shared Economic Prosperity

Geoscientist Mark Little discusses his role as the executive director of CREATE, an economic development center at UNC Chapel Hill, and how he helps foster shared economic prosperity. Learn more about how his work has contributed to creating economic opportunity for all through local, regional, and international approaches.

Local STEM - Jan 12, 2022
Local Science Engagement Network: Equipping Scientists for Policy Impact

ESAL had the opportunity to speak with the Local Science Engagement Network's campaign director Daniel Barry to learn more about how the program aims to equip scientists with tools for building long-term relationships with policymakers.

Postcards - Dec 24, 2021
Writing Science Notes for Missouri Policy Makers

Developmental psychology PhD candidate Nanxi Xu recalls her experience with writing an impactful science note through the Missouri Local Science Engagement Network and how it contributed to increased awareness of education and mental health considerations across the state of Missouri.

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